How to Join Artificial Grass

How to Join Artificial Grass

Joining artificial turf is an important aspect of any installation. Learn how to make a professional join.

1. Unroll the two pieces ensuring the pile runs in the same direction.

2. Fold over each piece approximately 300mm.

3. To ensure a perfect seam, always cut a minimum of 3 rows of tufts back, taking care not to trim any grass blades as this will result in a poor seam.

4. If the knife has penetrated the backing too far resulting in trimmed blades, this will produce a poor seam. Re-cut before proceeding.

5. Now unroll the joining tape down the center line of the join ensuring the shiny side is down and the blotting side is up. Fix at either end with a nail or adhesive.

6. Now fold over the grass on to the tape and bring together ensuring the seam has a 2-3mm gap. Too tight or too much of a gap will result in a poor seam.

7. Fold over the grass where the pile runs over the edge of the seam.

8. Using a mastic gun apply a bead of adhesive just under the edge of the first section of grass followed by a second bead of adhesive to the front edge to accommodate the second piece.

9. Now with an assistant, bring the seam together. It is very important to ensure no grass blades are buried during this process. Once completed, lightly pressurize the seam to disperse adhesive then check seams every 0.5m to ensure the seam does not part whilst install proceeds.

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